Happy birthday to……..

ME!!!!  Yes, Happy Birthday to me – even though my birthday was December 22.  My parents had Mark and I over for dinner.  Corey and Danielle came too.  I thought we were there just for dinner and dessert but then my parents disappeared and came back out with this beautiful pumpkin bread.  Dad made the pumpkin bread (topped with pecans – yummy).  He then cut it and arranged it beautifully and Mom topped it with the candle (zero years – I’ll take it).

Why a birthday party on February 27 when my birthday was December 22?  My parents got me Amazon gift cards for my birthday and Christmas and they got misplaced so I didn’t get them for my birthday and Christmas.  I told Mom “no big deal” – I don’t need gifts anyway.  She found them and my parents did this little surprise party to give me my gift cards.  Awwwww.  And then here’s the double awwwwww – Sammy – not great pics because it was dark and I was using my iPhone – but this is me holding my cake and Sammy on the floor wishing he could have a piece.  He’s adorable.

It was a great surprise – I couldn’t figure out whose birthday we were celebrating when everybody starting singing “Happy Birthday”.  Thanks Mom and Dad!!!!

Who better than I?

January 7, 2010

Who better than I?  Grandma always used to say that.  I don’t think Grandma really did all that much for herself but she always said it to me – so yah, let’s all do something for ourselves.  We’re just as important as all the people we take care of.  This I made for myself after a brutal two-hour shoveling session during the first big snow storm of the year.  I LOVE it.  I don’t look great in a hat but it is very effective – very warm – very soft.  The pattern is http://throughtheloops.typepad.com/Thorpe.pdf and the yarn is Deborah Norville Serenity Chunky – the color is Golden.

Did I mention that I LOVE THIS HAT?

Update March 2, 2010:  When I made Justin’s Thorpe, I added a pom to the top.  I liked it so much I added a pom to mine too.  Here’s a pic of mine with the pom added…..

Ahhh….much better.

Thanksgiving fun

I’m way behind in posting so it’s time to play catch-up.  This is what we did on Thanksgiving after a big, wonderful dinner.  We all made little gingerbread houses.  It was so much fun.  These kids are all so creative.

I should have used the digital camera instead of my iPhone because the lighting wasn’t so great and a flash would have really helped – but here’s a shot of all five of our gingerbread houses……

…..and here’s Keith with his…..

…..and Justin…..

….and Corey and Danielle, who chose to put their little picture that was at their table-setting instead of their sweet faces…..

…..and this reject is the one Mark and I made.  We made a very pretty one last year so gosh only knows what happened here.

Socks for Mark and me (or is it I?? or is it myself?? – hmmmm) (Pairs #34-36)

socks-x-3These three pair took forever to make.  The red, white and blue pair – oh did I dislike that yarn.  Until I told myself ok, they’ll be my 4th of July patriotic socks, I just dreaded working on them.  After that, it was smooth sailing.  The middle pair are for Mark .  They were ok to work on except the solid color got a little boring but that’s because I love working with the self-patterning so much.  The other pair – oh my – they were my biggest sock disappointment to date.  They are Paton’s Kroy.  It worked up beautifully.  The pattern is the fluted banister pattern that I’ve always wanted to try and is actually brainless knitting and they turned out beautiful – until I washed and blocked them.  They lost some of their brilliant color and felted just a bit.  We’ll see how they wear but again, disappointed.

Helpful hint – don’t walk away from a photo shoot with cats in the house who adore and covet wool.


**Teri’s 4th of July socks – Regia 5346

Mark’s maroon socks – Regia Stretch 32

Teri’s fluted banister socks – Paton’s Kroy Stripes 56615 Bronzed Berry Stripes**

Happy Mother’s Day to me!

I’m a lucky girl.  My family makes me happy every time I’m with them.  The kids all came on Mother’s Day – all four of them since Mark and I call them all “our kids” now – with great deference to their own “real” parents.  We made homemade pizza (a family favorite) for lunch.  The guys played baseball while Danielle and I played on iPhones and watched the men and laughed at them.  Corey taught Justin how to play baseball and Justin picked it up right away – he’s very good at sports.


Keith changed oil in the Jeep and van.  This is Corey helping – under a tarp because it started to rain.


Mark made me a cake – awwwww.


Corey and Danielle gave me this beautiful plant.  It is a gloxinia.  We don’t have plants because we have cats who like to eat plants.  Corey volunteered to keep the flower at his house – nice boy 🙂  It’s safely where Carrie and Chloe can’t get to it but they’ve tried their darndest.


Keith and Justin got us a big flat panel monitor for the computer for multiple holidays.  We had a small one but this is really cool.  Nice!!!  We think of them every time we’re on the computer.

We then all went to Corey and Danielle’s house and took the leftovers with us and had dinner there.  It was so nice and Stripes and Louie were entertaining as usual.


It was a beautiful day.

A beautiful fence materializes in two days

fence1This is Corey and Danielle when we were leaving Menards with a whole bunch of fence.  This was the second load.  Corey and Danielle had already picked up the concrete, posts, screws, etc.  On the back of the truck, you can see we answered the age-old question “Where’s Waldo?”.  Who knew he was hiding on the back of a Menards truck.

fence2This is Mark and Corey working on the front corner.

fence3This is the first beautiful section finished.  The whole fence is finished now.  It took two days of working in wind and rain and cold.  Don’t let the beautiful sunshine in the picture fool you.  It was cold and Danielle and I both have fierce windburns on our faces.  All that is left to finish is the gates, which is the easy part.  We all agreed the worst part was setting the posts.  We also had our first sleepover at Corey and Danielle’s.  Since they only live forty minutes away, we have never spent the night there.  It was a fun and very productive weekend.

Sushi anyone?

sushi2Keith, Justin, Mark and myself went to this Japanese restaurant last weekend.  The tables were each in “pits” where you sit on cushions on the floor and your legs and the table are in the pit.  As is tradition, you also take your shoes off before you go to your table.  We had a blast, especially watching Justin with his wasabi.  His face would turn beet red with every bite.  When Keith suggested avoiding the wasabi, Justin said no, he liked the feeling when it got to his stomach.  Keith, Mark and I got the tempura chicken (typical Americans).  Justin ordered this beautiful plate of sushi.

sushi1Myself, I like sushi but not the kind with raw fish.  I’m not a seafood fan so I’ve actually never even tried the ones with raw fish.  I did it this night because Justin asked and I usually try whatever the food is that I haven’t tried yet unless it still has eyes in it or repulses me, i.e. squid and roe.  For the record, the brighter orange item on this plate is roe.  Wiki defines roe as the fully ripe internal ovaries or egg masses of fish and certain marine animals, such as shrimp, scallop and sea urchins”.  Wiki describes eggs as “usually chicken eggs, but also those of other birds and turtles, as well as those of fish”.  It even seems the Wiki definition is trying to scare me, even though an egg should just be an egg.

I ate a piece of the green sushi, which was cucumber.  Mark also tried that one and didn’t like it.  His palate is not adventurous.  He likes a good burger or some lasagna.  I also tried the raw fish one.  It’s not for me – it’s hard enough for me to eat cooked seafood let alone raw.  Keith had already tried the raw previously and is o.k. with it if you can get past the texture.  All in all though, we had a great time.