St. Elizabeth’s – September 24, 2011

Here is our delivery to St. Elizabeth’s in Lafayette, Indiana……………

Dunebrook – September 6, 2011

Dunebrook……..what can I say about Dunebrook……..we are happy to help them – we are happy to help all that we do help and wish we could help more.  We cut back on our full-term sets as it just got to be too much.  For the hospitals, we went back to doing only preemie sets as that was our original vision with TeamZachMcD – Zach was a preemie and we wanted to do something for the other preemie families.  We will continue to do full-term for Dunebrook and Stepping Stone and will continue making chemo hats.

That being said, here is our latest delivery to Dunebrook………..

Hematology Oncology – August 31, 2011

Our very best wishes for health are sent out to those patients at Hematology Oncology in Westville, Indiana who will use these chemo hats.  We are continually touched that we can possibly provide a bright spot for somebody out there in this big beautiful world.  Good health to you all!

PMH – August 31, 2011

A delivery was made to Porter Memorial Hospital for their preemies.  This was the first of our “fall” donations.  All hospitals except one requested holidays so…….Halloween is also included.  We hope the families enjoy and our hearts go out to the families who will need the bereavement sets.