Where my babies at????

Last night was another ultrasound for the new babies…….the twins.  Here I am pushing Zach up and down the hall because being a little boy, he just wanted to run.  He looked in every room every time we went up and down the hall – little Curious George that he is (all were empty – just restrooms and x-ray rooms).

and here is Zach getting to see his babies and a couple pics of the ultrasound and the soon-to-be parents of three (hey – that rhymes!!!)……these babies were VERY active – can’t wait to meet them for real but it sure was nice to see them moving…..

Be careful what you wish for….

Hey Justin……….be careful what you wish for.  Keith and Justin sent me a picture months ago of a hat and they said it was a “gift idea” for Justin for Christmas.  It is supposed to look like Davy Jones from Pirates of the Carribean.  By the end of that night, I had it finished and couldn’t WAIT for Christmas to surprise Justin with it.  Here is Justin, in all his Davy Jones splendor……

The blanket that anticipation built…..

When Danielle was pregnant with little Mr. Zachary, all six of us (Corey, Danielle, Mark, myself, Keith and Justin) were at Hobby Lobby and we all picked out yarn for a blanket for this little fetus.  It’s not the colors you would normally expect for a one-year old, but who wants to be normal?  He grew out of his baby blanket I crocheted for him, so this is his next blanket made with the yarn picked out with love before he was even born.  Here he is chillin’ – watching tv……….

…….and at bedtime in his playpen during an overnight visit……..

A day with Zachary

Yes, I am – lucky – very lucky.  I get to watch Zachary two days a week while his Daddy and Mommy are at work.  Here is what we did last Wednesday.

Here is the cutie still in his jammies, fresh from his crib.  I changed his diaper, of course, and then he ate one of my now world-famous (not really – but they are GOOD) banana muffins and also had some applesauce for breakfast.  I wish I woke up this happy and cute every morning……..

……then we went outside to play.  Louie loves Zachary sooooooooooo much…………

………….in this picture, they both heard a really loud truck on the street and both turned to look and see what it was…………

………..then he found this bag of bolts.  I jokingly texted Corey and asked if this is a toy – Corey said yes.  Zachary loves his Daddy – he likes Zachary to learn about all the cool tool stuff that Corey likes……..

 …..then we went in the house.  Zach loves to be read to.  Here he is bringing a book for me to read to him.  He then got in my lap and I read it.  His favorite book for Grandma to read right now is “The Wheels on the Bus”………….