Isaiah, you inspire us

Can we at TeamZachMcD be any more touched and more inspired to keep doing what we do?  No, we cannot.

Have we shed some tears in the last couple of days?  Yes, we have.

Why?  Because of Isaiah.  Isaiah is a NICU patient and was born weighing 3 lbs. 5 oz.  He has now surpassed his birth weight and weighs in at 3 lbs. 10 oz.  Go Isaiah!!!!  We have not met (yet), but he looks like he has the same fight Zachary had, so we know he will continue doing well.

With Mom’s permission, we present to you Isaiah, a recipient of hats and blankets that we at TeamZachMcD donate to hospitals.  How precious is this little guy………..

………..and here is Isaiah with his Daddy…….

Keep growing, little guy, and we will be sending our good thoughts and wishes to you and your family every day.

(photo editing courtesy of Danielle)

Dunebrook – August 18, 2011

Dunebrook asked us if we would consider making items for their auction.  Well, of course we would.  We love Dunebrook.  Here are the things we made for them.  We hope they make some money and more importantly, that the recipients enjoy these things.  The puppy and kitten panels have a crocheted border.  You cannot see the border in these pics because I hung the blankets up to get a full shot of their beauty.  Many thanks to David Textiles.  Thank you for your support.

St. Elizabeth’s – July 23, 2011

Saturday, we made a delivery to St. Elizabeth’s in Lafayette, Indiana.  This delivery had twelve preemie sets, four of which had 6″ mini’s, plus a group of twelve 6″ mini’s.  As usual, we hope the babies and their families enjoy the gifts.

SJRMC – July 21, 2011

Today Danielle, Zachary and I made a delivery to SJRMC (Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center) in Mishawaka, Indiana.   We got to meet Michelle and Zachary now has a new friend.

Michelle gave us a tour.  The walls have beautiful paintings of animals.  Here Zach is checking out a giraffe with Michelle…….

………..then he had to check out Michelle’s really cool and colorful necklace……….

…………and here are the new friends smiling for the camera………..

We missed meeting Fiona but hope to meet her next time we make a delivery there.

Today we donated………..12 preemie sets to the NICU, 12 6″ squares to the NICU, 4 bereavement gowns to the NICU, 12 preemie sets to Pediatrics, 12 full-term sets to Pediatrics and 6 bereavement gowns to Pediatrics.

We left their unit with the same feeling we always have………fulfilled.  People may get tired of hearing this from me but…….life is GOOD.  Aside from my family, nothing makes me happier than doing this.  We wish the very best life to all of the babies we help.

Click here to see pics of what we donated to SJRMC.

Stepping Stone – July 18, 2011

It is a small delivery but a very special delivery…….these are the latest sets we made for a Stepping Stone family………..

…………and here is a darling little girl at Stepping Stone (during our July 8, 2011, delivery) being given her little bundle by our TeamZachMcD namesake, Zachary, while being introduced by Diana, a real go-getter who makes a big difference in so many lives – Diana, we love you!!!