Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day!  My Mark got me a heart-shaped box of chocolates and the most beautiful picture frame.  This frame is my favorite Valentine’s Day gift ever.  He even picked one of his favorite pictures of us and put it in the frame.  Mark……..I love you as much as the day I met you……..10,389 days ago!!!

Do you believe??????

Do you believe in Santa Claus?  We do……..

I made that wall hanging many many years ago, when my kids were young.  They are now adults with families of their own.  I’ve wanted to update it for a couple of years and when my daughter-in-law jokingly said I needed to add some stockings, I knew this was the year I needed to complete that task.  Danielle…………I love you and here you go………


There are no pictures in this post.  That’s out of the norm for me.  However, Mark and I decided this weekend that we are McAmish (McDermott and Amish).  We helped Don and Amy work on their new house on Saturday (so did Corey, Danielle and Zach).  We think that’s how life should be – just like the Amish – people helping people with no thought of getting anything in return.  Sure, the Amish get paid for whatever they do by way of jobs – some work in factories, or handcraft furniture, or sell their produce……….but…………..as a community, they help each other.

Why can’t everybody just help everybody and not expect something in return, like when the Amish help each other with a barn raising, for instance.  Wouldn’t this world rock more than it already does?

Just thinking…………

Happy Zach-iversary!

Zach spent his first night at our house on our 27th anniversary.  He doesn’t look happy in this pic but that was just one moment in time.  Check out his sleeper.  That’s the sleeper Corey wore home from the hospital when he was born almost twenty-five years ago.  Danielle sent two sleepers and I asked Mark which one we should put on him after his bath and Mark said “Corey’s”, so Corey’s sleeper it was.

We had a great night other than he likes to be held instead of sleeping in his bed.  That’s fine – I told Danielle we need to stop saying he’s spoiled (even though he totally is) and from now on we say he’s just very loved.  Nothing wrong with that.

He had mirror time in the bathroom with Grandpa Mark………..

He had a bath in the big boy bathtub…………

He had cuddle time with Grandma Teri…………

Great Grandma Carol came over in the morning to visit and brought him a teddy bear as big as he is………….

Great Grandma Carol had the teddy bear watch over Zach as he slept – sweetness………..

Thanksgiving fun

I’m way behind in posting so it’s time to play catch-up.  This is what we did on Thanksgiving after a big, wonderful dinner.  We all made little gingerbread houses.  It was so much fun.  These kids are all so creative.

I should have used the digital camera instead of my iPhone because the lighting wasn’t so great and a flash would have really helped – but here’s a shot of all five of our gingerbread houses……

…..and here’s Keith with his…..

…..and Justin…..

….and Corey and Danielle, who chose to put their little picture that was at their table-setting instead of their sweet faces…..

…..and this reject is the one Mark and I made.  We made a very pretty one last year so gosh only knows what happened here.

Socks for Mark and me (or is it I?? or is it myself?? – hmmmm) (Pairs #34-36)

socks-x-3These three pair took forever to make.  The red, white and blue pair – oh did I dislike that yarn.  Until I told myself ok, they’ll be my 4th of July patriotic socks, I just dreaded working on them.  After that, it was smooth sailing.  The middle pair are for Mark .  They were ok to work on except the solid color got a little boring but that’s because I love working with the self-patterning so much.  The other pair – oh my – they were my biggest sock disappointment to date.  They are Paton’s Kroy.  It worked up beautifully.  The pattern is the fluted banister pattern that I’ve always wanted to try and is actually brainless knitting and they turned out beautiful – until I washed and blocked them.  They lost some of their brilliant color and felted just a bit.  We’ll see how they wear but again, disappointed.

Helpful hint – don’t walk away from a photo shoot with cats in the house who adore and covet wool.


**Teri’s 4th of July socks – Regia 5346

Mark’s maroon socks – Regia Stretch 32

Teri’s fluted banister socks – Paton’s Kroy Stripes 56615 Bronzed Berry Stripes**