We got the great joy of having Zach spend the night Friday.
He played with legos – these are Keith and Corey’s legos from when they were little………..

He played bumper cars in the kitchen…..

He kissed our dishwasher……..

He learned about recycling (he learned that he can take Grandma Teri’s laminated sign off the recycling bin)……..

He enjoyed slamming cabinet doors………..

He took a moment to smell the sunflowers………..

He watched Benji………..

…………until he got bored……………

…….and wanted Grandma to hold him………..

………..and then he fell asleep – awwwwwwww…………

The next day, we went to Menards to get some wood. These pictures are taken through the headrest. He was helping Grandpa Mark by holding on to the wood so it wouldn’t move around. What a little helper.

We had a great time with the lil’ guy – we love you, Zachary!