
Imagine……… grow up with dreams of having a family someday………..

Imagine……… find the person of your dreams………..

Imagine……… fall deeply in love with that person………

Imagine……… want to be married, have children and live that “happily ever after” life………

STOP!!!! There’s just that one catch – you’re a guy and you’re in love with a guy………or you’re a girl and you’re in love with a girl……….

As the mom of Keith, a loving, caring, kind, giving young man……..I don’t get it.  I’ve never “gotten it”, even before it was MY son.  I can’t cry because I have to be strong for my son.  It’s an ever-present reinforcing of “Keith, some day” or “Keith, your day will come” or our new favorite “2009!”.  Keith and I often share good news from 2009 – there is a lot – more states are allowing or considering gay marriage.  More people are accepting of gay marriage.  A majority of people – and I mean a HUGE majority of people – maybe 99% – have been kind and accepting and “so what” of Keith being gay.  I was surprised at how many family members have a problem with it, having known this child of mine for twenty-two years before they even knew he was gay.  Him being gay changes nothing about him.  The only difference between he and straight people is private – what happens in their bedroom – big damn deal.  The comments could be taken as hurtful but I choose to believe that everybody has their own opinion and that mine is right – my child is equal to anybody else’s child.

P.S. to Justin – I love you and someday you will technically be our son-in-law but we will always call you son.

Please read the following:

Sushi anyone?

sushi2Keith, Justin, Mark and myself went to this Japanese restaurant last weekend.  The tables were each in “pits” where you sit on cushions on the floor and your legs and the table are in the pit.  As is tradition, you also take your shoes off before you go to your table.  We had a blast, especially watching Justin with his wasabi.  His face would turn beet red with every bite.  When Keith suggested avoiding the wasabi, Justin said no, he liked the feeling when it got to his stomach.  Keith, Mark and I got the tempura chicken (typical Americans).  Justin ordered this beautiful plate of sushi.

sushi1Myself, I like sushi but not the kind with raw fish.  I’m not a seafood fan so I’ve actually never even tried the ones with raw fish.  I did it this night because Justin asked and I usually try whatever the food is that I haven’t tried yet unless it still has eyes in it or repulses me, i.e. squid and roe.  For the record, the brighter orange item on this plate is roe.  Wiki defines roe as the fully ripe internal ovaries or egg masses of fish and certain marine animals, such as shrimp, scallop and sea urchins”.  Wiki describes eggs as “usually chicken eggs, but also those of other birds and turtles, as well as those of fish”.  It even seems the Wiki definition is trying to scare me, even though an egg should just be an egg.

I ate a piece of the green sushi, which was cucumber.  Mark also tried that one and didn’t like it.  His palate is not adventurous.  He likes a good burger or some lasagna.  I also tried the raw fish one.  It’s not for me – it’s hard enough for me to eat cooked seafood let alone raw.  Keith had already tried the raw previously and is o.k. with it if you can get past the texture.  All in all though, we had a great time.

Keith and Grandpa

keith-letterThat is a copy of a letter written to Grandpa from Keith and Justin (click to enlarge).  Keith and Justin bought Grandpa a new screwdriver set and a pair of pliers.  The reference to the holes being punched is because Grandpa had a leather punch and he used to punch holes in Keith and Corey’s new belts to make them just the right size for Keith and Corey ever since they were old enough to wear belts.  If they grew and needed more holes, they’d go see Grandpa.  Maybe we should get Grandpa a new leather punch too.

Below is a picture of Keith’s first bicycle.  It was an antique Schwinn.  Keith didn’t have room to save it when he moved so Grandpa took it.  Grandpa was going to just use the tires to build a cart or a wagon or something but then it was so nice, he was going to put it in the landscaping in his front yard with a sign that said “Keith’s bike”.  Somehow, it managed to stay beautifully upright through the fire, right where Grandpa had stored it.  I think it’s symbolic of life going on.


The last picture is Dad’s toolbox.  Dad has been a mechanic forever.  He used to work on buses, tractors, cars, trucks, mowers – everything!  It was a fun childhood.  We used to get to get in whatever he was working on and “press the brakes” or “start the car” – just fun times if you were a kid.  There was a pop machine in his shop with the old glass bottles – we would get to count the change or fill the machine.  If I were really lucky, Dad would ask me to make a new sign and I’d get to use the big markers in his drawer and get creative.  The history in that shed is HUGE.  It’s sad to look at it all but there’s always that upside – nobody was hurt.


Keith…..the world traveler

keith-china-birds-nestKeith left for China on Christmas morning.  He is with Justin enjoying everything they can in 2 1/2 weeks.  They have visited Justin’s family and friends and seen many beautiful sites, as many as they could cram into that time period.  The above picture is Keith at the Bird’s Nest in Beijing, which was built for the Olympics (as any fan of the 2008 Olympics would already know).  If you weren’t a fan, check it out here:

Keith:  Dad and I are glad you enjoyed yourself and even happier that you’re ready to come home.  We have all missed you.  Molly has probably missed you and Justin most of all, though.  I’ve made her a new reversible flannel blanket for her basket.  As soon as I can get the pics off my camera, I’ll post a picture of her so you can see how she made herself at home again at our house.

Christmas Socks 2008 (Pairs #24-28)


Hmmmmmmmmm – wonder what could be in those little boxes?  I guess the title of the post gives it away.  I made the little mittens gracing each box using the same wool as the socks – so now each recipient will have matching socks and mittens (yes, I know that’s corny since they can’t actually wear the mittens – so sorry).  When I went to get the camera to take a picture, Carrie decided to try to steal the mittens off of the boxes, and somehow this beautiful picture was the first picture I took – I think it’s a keeper with her looking so innocent – so I took no more (although I was tempted because one of the boxes on the top level is crooked but who can resist a beautiful Carrie pic).

These are socks I worked on all year – between other projects – for Christmas gifts for my family.  I took the picture outside in the snow – today it is 4 degrees with a wind chill of -27.  Thankfully, I didn’t have to stray far – I just stepped out the door and took them on the back deck.


In the order they appear, here’s who they’re for and what they’re made with:

**Mark – Regia Strato Color 5748
Keith – Regia Crazy Color 114
Justin – Regia Strato Color 5747
Corey – Regia Schatten Color 5163
Danielle – Regia Jacquard Color 5243**

Do you sense a pattern with the socks I make?  I love Regia!!  Not all socks I make are Regia, but a majority are.


Here’s a picture of one of my sons. He looks harmless enough, doesn’t he? He is – trust me. However, he isn’t entitled to the rights most Americans are entitled to, such as marriage.

Another thing he’s no longer allowed to do: donate blood. Look at the shirt he happens to be wearing in this picture (from 11/21/04). He received that for donating blood. He started donating after 9/11. He was seventeen and a senior in high school and wanted to help so he donated blood. He has been donating regularly ever since (seven years). He is no longer allowed to donate blood because he is in a committed relationship (i.e. sexually active for those, like us, who were not aware of the “rules” of blood donation). He holds no anger about that – the Red Cross woman who had to break that news to him when he went to donate blood – she was really kind to him.

But let’s get back to gay marriage. Really, what are people afraid of? The “WOW” title of this post relates to a very touching and moving commentary by Keith Olbermann. Please watch this video and share it with others: Keith Olbermann on Ellen.

Thank you to both Keith’s:

To Keith, my son, thank you for being you.

To Keith Olbermann, thank you for being you.


Here’s what’s up in our life. Corey has moved into his own home. He is leasing with option to purchase for one year. He moved in yesterday (last night to be exact) and it is the cutest little house ever. It needs much love and Corey is just the guy for the task. In this picture, Corey is mowing the lawn for the first time (this picture actually taken in the Spring – after this post was originally posted). This is such an exciting time for Mark and I – to see our sons grow and spread their wings. What a success Corey is – at age 21, he is on the way to purchasing his first home. Exciting – tear-jerking.

Keith had a very full week last week. He was working his last week at US Steel (actually working at US Steel as a contractor for AGT – something like that – if I’m wrong, I’m sure he’ll correct me since we are both full of perfectionist issues when it comes to typos, etc.). His last day was Friday, but in that timeframe, he had to get all four wisdom teeth pulled Thursday and then go to work Friday, in addition to working three days at South Central, getting a haircut Thursday night right after having his wisdom teeth pulled so he would look shiny and new for his new job at Golden Technologies starting Monday, February 12. However, he pulled through the surgery like a champ and no one would ever be able to tell he even had his wisdom teeth pulled. Slight swelling – no bruising – amazing. So…………..Monday – tomorrow actually, he starts his new job. More exciting times for our family. Next, he will continue saving and buy his own house.

That’s it for now – more another time.