Keith runs a 5k

On April 17, 2010, Keith ran the Purdue University Cancer Center Challenge 5K.  This was his first 5K – next he will run a half marathon and probably then a marathon.  Go Keith!!!  His goal was to finish in the top 100.  He was #95 out of 1,330 runners/walkers.  Goal met!  His time was 22:51.  This is Keith – per usual with the smile – on the way to the run…….

This is Keith before the run…….

………..and this is Keith crossing the finish line!!!

This is the banner Keith signed.  All of the runners sign the banner and it will hang at next year’s run.

Mark, Justin and I went to the run to cheer Keith on.  I cried when the run started (surprise!).  We were all so proud of him.  He’s now training for the half marathon, which is in October.

I Heart Thorpe!

Thorpe – what’s not to love? I love this pattern and I love this yarn. This is my second Thorpe – this one is for Justin for his birthday. He picked out the yarn at Joann’s (on sale 2/$5.00 – nice!). The yarn is Deborah Norville Serenity Chunky and the color is Seven Seas. Gorgeous. The pattern doesn’t call for a ball on the top but we all decided we like the ball. I added a ball to mine also. Danielle is getting a Thorpe for her birthday too – hers is nearly done.

This is a little of what we did on Justin’s birthday party weekend. We all went shopping and ended up in the baby clothes department at Meijer. Fun fun. Here’s Keith and Corey looking for baby clothes for Zachary.

And here are Corey and Danielle picking out some outfits.

That’s my boy!

Here is a pic of Keith jogging around the pond in his back yard. He has lost over thirty pounds with a few changes in his diet but mainly with his running. He uses Nike+. He also signed up for a 5k run at Purdue in April.

That’s my boy!

Keith’s hat

This is Keith taking a picture of himself in his new hat I knitted for him. I wasn’t sure about the color but it’s what he picked out at Hobby Lobby so I went with it.

It’s beautiful. It works on his sweet face. I adapted some other patterns to make it a sportweight, double thick stocking hat – exactly what he ordered.

Happy New Year!!!!

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…….Corey’s sleeping….and so is Chloe.  This was a beautiful New Year’s Eve.  Corey and Danielle came and we had pizza and Corey and I made chocolate crinkle cookies (Keith’s favorite – sorry you missed it Keith).  Corey fell asleep pretty early but Mark, Danielle and I stayed up till 12:30 or 1:00 and then they spent the night.  This picture of our sleepy boy was taken at 11:56 p.m.

Danielle and I knitted and crocheted.  Danielle finished her first baby afghan at 11:58 p.m.  I told her to hurry and weave the ends in before midnight so she could say she made three scarves and one baby blanket in 2009.  She did with Mark supplying a little pressure while she weaved in the ends.  Here’s the blanket – I think it’s Bernat boucle.  We’ve since decided that in order to fix one of the wonky corners and make the blanket a little bigger, Danielle is going to learn how to make a border.  So technically, it’s not finished but here it is……..

Thanksgiving fun

I’m way behind in posting so it’s time to play catch-up.  This is what we did on Thanksgiving after a big, wonderful dinner.  We all made little gingerbread houses.  It was so much fun.  These kids are all so creative.

I should have used the digital camera instead of my iPhone because the lighting wasn’t so great and a flash would have really helped – but here’s a shot of all five of our gingerbread houses……

…..and here’s Keith with his…..

…..and Justin…..

….and Corey and Danielle, who chose to put their little picture that was at their table-setting instead of their sweet faces…..

…..and this reject is the one Mark and I made.  We made a very pretty one last year so gosh only knows what happened here.

Good stuff

It’s time to play a little catch-up with some great pics (for me anyway – because I love my family and sharing what’s important to them).

The first pic Corey e-mailed to me.  He titled the e-mail “my house on a trailer”.  It is all the old siding off of Corey and Danielle’s house, headed to the recycling center (being pulled by Mark’s joy, his Jeep).  The house in the background is not theirs.  I’ll post a pic of theirs with the new siding in another post.

houseThis is a pic Keith e-mailed to me – it’s the ever-beautiful Molly in all her glory.

MollyThis is the computer that Corey built.  In his e-mail, he calls it his “new UV reactive mod”.  It’s really cool and he’s got some great artistic talent.

Corey's computer

Keith sent an e-mail with this pic.  He wrote:  “This little guy was sitting on the sidewalk and was gracious enough to pose for a photo shoot”.  Gracious indeed.


Homemade noodles

Noodles cut


Keith called one day and asked how to make homemade noodles.  I talked him through it and voila!  He did it.  I’ll share my super secret (not) homemade noodle recipe in another post when I get the recipe section of this site moving.

How proud am I of my kids?  Very!  They are both very well-rounded – they can cook and clean and sew (if they had to – somehow the sewing always comes home to Mom though – but I love that).  They can change oil and Corey is remodeling his home.  They both learned to crochet when they were little.  Keith didn’t take to it but Corey made a sweet little something which I’ll share in another post.  He doesn’t crochet anymore – he only did it for maybe a week or two when he was maybe twelve or thirteen……but I digress.  Keith, your noodles rock and your Mom would be proud is proud.  Much love son!

Molly – sweet and cute

Keith and Justin went on vacation and we went to stay at their place and give Molly a little lovin’.  Instead of having her come and terrorize Carrie and Chloe, she had to stay alone at her home for a couple of days, then we stayed with her for two days, then she had to stay alone again until Keith and Justin got home.  This is the picture we got from Molly before our visit.
