This is Carrie modeling the almost completed blanket for Corey and Danielle. Now it’s time for the border – the long, long, long boring border. The picture is kind of cruddy because I took it at night from my Iphone since my digital camera was not cooperating.
Tag Archives: Corey
Corey……..this one’s for you
Corey: Remember when you told me I had to get rid of this picture in the bathroom? You said it reminded you of the old wallpaper that we got rid of and that wallpaper was ugly and this picture reminded you of it?
Below is the replacement picture. I used a page from my 2008 wall calendar and I think it’s really cute (girl term). Hope you approve.
Holy Gosh! How cute are we???
The little black and white beauty is Corey and Danielle’s new kitten. Look at those gorgeous green eyes! When you hold this kitten, she looks into your eyes like she’s looking into your soul. She has the most beautiful eyes. She is laying with her proud new big brother, Stripes. Stripes is about 1 1/2 years old now. The kitten is eight weeks old. I’ll post a little update when the little beauty gets a name.
Christmas Socks 2008 (Pairs #24-28)
Hmmmmmmmmm – wonder what could be in those little boxes? I guess the title of the post gives it away. I made the little mittens gracing each box using the same wool as the socks – so now each recipient will have matching socks and mittens (yes, I know that’s corny since they can’t actually wear the mittens – so sorry). When I went to get the camera to take a picture, Carrie decided to try to steal the mittens off of the boxes, and somehow this beautiful picture was the first picture I took – I think it’s a keeper with her looking so innocent – so I took no more (although I was tempted because one of the boxes on the top level is crooked but who can resist a beautiful Carrie pic).
These are socks I worked on all year – between other projects – for Christmas gifts for my family. I took the picture outside in the snow – today it is 4 degrees with a wind chill of -27. Thankfully, I didn’t have to stray far – I just stepped out the door and took them on the back deck.
In the order they appear, here’s who they’re for and what they’re made with:
**Mark – Regia Strato Color 5748
Keith – Regia Crazy Color 114
Justin – Regia Strato Color 5747
Corey – Regia Schatten Color 5163
Danielle – Regia Jacquard Color 5243**
Do you sense a pattern with the socks I make? I love Regia!! Not all socks I make are Regia, but a majority are.
If only they could crochet……..

Corey’s home continues to improve
07/12/08 – Today, Mark and I helped Corey re-do his hall closet while Danielle was at work. Actually, Mark has worked seventeen hours OT this week, so he took a nap while Corey and I put up white beadboard in the closet. Mark then woke up in time to help with the shelving. It rocks and we will hopefully finish it tomorrow. Tomorrow we are also going to help Corey and Danielle strip the hardwood floors. That should be fun (???).
07/13/08 – Today, Mark, Corey, Danielle and myself worked on the hall closet more and then – drumroll please – began sanding the floors. What a job! Corey manned the drum sander and Mark ran the edge sander. Danielle and I were the perfect little helpers.
07/14/08 – Corey and Danielle finished sanding and prepping the floor – and also have the closet finished!
07/15/08 – Corey put on the first coat of stain and the sealer. He will now do a coat of poly after work every night. So far, so good. Corey said you can really see the swirl marks from the sander – but it is what it is. It will be fine – much better than before.
07/20/08 – Ta da!!!! And here’s the floor with maybe/hopefully the final coat of poly. How beautiful does that look? Corey rocks (so does Danielle!!!). Now the walls need some more touch ups on the drywall and then it can be painted and trimmed out.
Deer damage and yard work
It’s been really busy here. We had deer damage to the arborvitaes. So we fought back and put up a fence. We also had already ordered a bjillion more arborvitaes, so those had to be planted also. Actually, I’m unsure of the exact number, but when I get an accurate count, I will post it. The main row had 165 – I counted them while we were working on the fence. The picture is of Corey and Mark out back fixing the fence. I LOVE this picture.
Also, we decided to take out the sidewalk in front of the house. What a nightmare that was. We had to rent a jackhammer. Both kids helped us and it took all day.
We also built a strawberry box – above ground – three feet high – makes it really nice to weed and pick the strawberries. Dad has one and I love his so we built one of our own.
Here’s what’s up in our life. Corey has moved into his own home. He is leasing with option to purchase for one year. He moved in yesterday (last night to be exact) and it is the cutest little house ever. It needs much love and Corey is just the guy for the task. In this picture, Corey is mowing the lawn for the first time (this picture actually taken in the Spring – after this post was originally posted). This is such an exciting time for Mark and I – to see our sons grow and spread their wings. What a success Corey is – at age 21, he is on the way to purchasing his first home. Exciting – tear-jerking.
Keith had a very full week last week. He was working his last week at US Steel (actually working at US Steel as a contractor for AGT – something like that – if I’m wrong, I’m sure he’ll correct me since we are both full of perfectionist issues when it comes to typos, etc.). His last day was Friday, but in that timeframe, he had to get all four wisdom teeth pulled Thursday and then go to work Friday, in addition to working three days at South Central, getting a haircut Thursday night right after having his wisdom teeth pulled so he would look shiny and new for his new job at Golden Technologies starting Monday, February 12. However, he pulled through the surgery like a champ and no one would ever be able to tell he even had his wisdom teeth pulled. Slight swelling – no bruising – amazing. So…………..Monday – tomorrow actually, he starts his new job. More exciting times for our family. Next, he will continue saving and buy his own house.
That’s it for now – more another time.