Lydia Helene was born this morning. What a darling, sweet, perfect little girl. Congratulations to Jeff and Gloria! Here are some pics, in no particular order………
My beautiful niece, Lydia, after her first bath……….

Mommy, Daddy and my niece, Lydia, right after she was born…..

Here is Gloria in labor walking up and down the hall – in all her Mommy splendor…..

The dry erase board in Gloria’s room………

Gloria, Lydia and Dr. Taylor, who delivered Lydia…….

Here is Lydia with the blanket I made and the hat that Danielle crocheted for her while Gloria was in labor. What a little darling………..

Reverting a little, here are Jeff, Gloria and Lydia on Father’s Day, with Lydia wearing a little dress that Danielle and I bought for her and with Jeff and Gloria wearing the happy smiles of anticipation………

and last but not least……..we cannot forget Zachary, who entertained the hospital staff and visitors all day long, just by being his friendly little self. Here he is holding Aunt Gloria’s pillow…….