Here’s a pic of Great Grandpa and Zachary reading a book………..
Category Archives: Life
Grandpa love
Zachary loves Grandpa! No doubt about it. Grandpa went into the restroom at Uncle Keith’s house and Zachary got upset. He had real tears – that’s how upset he was. So sweet.
Thanksgiving vacation (Part 2 – Washington, DC)
The second part of our trip was to Washington, DC. I’ve never been there so it was great to see finally. Here is a gallery of some of the things we saw……
Thanksgiving vacation (Part 1 – Pennsylvania)
We took a trip to Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. over Thanksgiving with Zachary, Corey and Danielle. We had a beautiful time and saw a LOT.
We left at night so Zach slept all night long – he’s a great traveler…….
Our first stop was Hershey, Pennsylvania. We loved the Hershey tour. Zach was so intrigued by the whole thing. This was just a painting but he loved even this…….
These are on the actual cars on the tour – wide-eyed wonderment……..
Here is Mark’s dream – if only there were one of these in our house – he’d be in heaven……….
From there, we went to Echo Caverns. Corey convinced us girls to do this with the guys, even though I had my fill of caves when I was a girl. I have never liked them. I did this for Corey. I *think* I’m glad I did (????). Ok sure, I’m glad I did it – Corey was happy.
That night, we went to see Hershey Lights – wow! The most beautiful lights – winding through a beautiful forest – just beautiful.
Back at the motel, check out this absolutely cuteness!!! Zachary was waiting for Mommy to get out of the restroom – he was yelling/talking to her through the door – totally adorable child…………
Here is Zachary helping Daddy clean out the cooler…….
There was a family carved out of wood at one of the stores we stopped at. Here is Zach with that family and kissing the little girl……….
Here are Zach and his family in a wagon………..
At one of the restaurants, while nobody was looking, Zach took a handful of mashed potatoes – this is Daddy scooping it out of his hand……..
Wake up Daddy!!!! Time to go to D.C.!!!