My lil’ Notre Dame buddy (I hope)

Nobody in my family likes football.  I love Notre Dame and the Bears.  Mark now will watch with me and I think he is getting into it.  Two of Zach’s other grandmas got him this little outfit for his baby shower as they are also Notre Dame fans.  The pic is a little blurry but look at the little guy (big guy) in his Notre Dame outfit.  He wears it well.  I told his mommy that he looks bigger than some of the real players.


More peppers. How pretty. They’re about to the end of their season but it’s been a good year for peppers. These I will cut in strips and freeze. They cook up just as good frozen as when they are fresh.

No brainer

I made Zach a bib.  It was a no brainer – reminiscent of making t-shirts for my boys when they were kids.  Ribbing is easy – this pattern is easy  I used a microfiber towel from the dollar store and the ribbing was on the clearance table at Joann’s, so this bib costed no more than $1.25 and is much better than a store-bought bib – and much bigger to cover more of the baby.

Here are all the blurry pictures.  Zachary is almost always in motion so these are the best we could do.