A fun time was had by all (myself, Mark, Keith, Justin, Corey & Danielle)……..
(click for pics – all pics courtesy of Danielle)……..Blue Man Group!!!!
A fun time was had by all (myself, Mark, Keith, Justin, Corey & Danielle)……..
(click for pics – all pics courtesy of Danielle)……..Blue Man Group!!!!
This is Zach and his bear, Snuggle Time. We are not sure why, but he was making a cute funny face when Snuggle Time would talk. Danielle and I also tried to get him to do his fake cough in this video.
Happy Valentine’s Day! My Mark got me a heart-shaped box of chocolates and the most beautiful picture frame. This frame is my favorite Valentine’s Day gift ever. He even picked one of his favorite pictures of us and put it in the frame. Mark……..I love you as much as the day I met you……..10,389 days ago!!!
Zach likes to grab the spoon and feed himself………..
Happy birthday to me!!! Danielle organized a surprise 49th birthday party for me. Boy was I surprised!!! Corey made me a beautiful table. I am so much in love with that table. He also painted an old milk can I had. They had balloons in it. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten balloons so it was really cool. My favorite little buddy helped blow out my candles – with some help from his Daddy. Here are some pics from the party…………