Double pride – that’s what I feel about my kids – my sons – my boys. I’m always proud of them. I’ll start with Corey. Since he was born second, I’ll let him go first in my pride post………..
Corey is building a cnc router. He has researched the hell out of it and is a genius to build something like this. It is being put together in his basement with the fabricating being done at his workplace. Here he is in his basement beaming with pride (it runs in the family)…..

I’m equally proud of Keith. He ran his second half-marathon (he says it’s his last – he wants to focus on improving on his 5k’s). He completed the Chicago Half Marathon on September 11, 2011. It was a glorious beautiful day (especially since I was NOT running the half marathon – 13.1 miles). He crossed the finish line smiling and waving……….