A beautiful morning walk

It’s hotter than heck and I like to take a walk 5-6 days per week.  Keith suggested the obvious when I was complaining about how hot it was when I take my walks………….walk earlier in the morning.  I used to do that but now I enjoy laying in bed longer.  Today may have reverted me back to my old ways.  I LOVED my early morning walk.  The weather was still hot and humid but much cooler than walking at 9 a.m. or noon or whenever the mood would strike me.  I had shade from the big arborvitaes on one side of my track (our walking track is .19 miles per lap).  The big payoff was the beautiful dew hanging off the fence wires, arborvitaes, grass, spider webs – just a beautiful morning.

Here’s our a pic of our house and shed from the back of the track………

…………here’s the beauty looking back toward the woods………….

…………and a gorgeous spiderweb (why do spiders freak me out but the webs are gorgeous???)………..