Homemade noodles

Noodles cut


Keith called one day and asked how to make homemade noodles.  I talked him through it and voila!  He did it.  I’ll share my super secret (not) homemade noodle recipe in another post when I get the recipe section of this site moving.

How proud am I of my kids?  Very!  They are both very well-rounded – they can cook and clean and sew (if they had to – somehow the sewing always comes home to Mom though – but I love that).  They can change oil and Corey is remodeling his home.  They both learned to crochet when they were little.  Keith didn’t take to it but Corey made a sweet little something which I’ll share in another post.  He doesn’t crochet anymore – he only did it for maybe a week or two when he was maybe twelve or thirteen……but I digress.  Keith, your noodles rock and your Mom would be proud is proud.  Much love son!