Update on Mark

mark-taking-a-walkMark is doing well after his surgery.  He is walking very slowly.  He is supposed to walk no more than two blocks per day.  If he were to walk our block, since we live in the country, he would be walking 4.5 miles per block, so nine miles per day, just for reference.  He is also not to lift anything over 5-8 lbs., which is making him crazy because he wants to be useful and he feels helpless.  That’s frustrating but I tell him there’s a reward in the end (good health!).  He gets his stitches out on January 9 and that will provide some relief as the stitches are pulling and creating more discomfort in his back (back incision is stitched and is five inches long).  His front incision is glued and healing beautifully (seven inches long).

Our weather has been beautiful (relatively speaking, for winter – it’s been in the thirties to fifties) so we’ve been able to walk outside.  Today it is snow again and heavy wind and will be in the twenties or lower for at least the next week, so he’ll be walking in the house again for now.